We study the construction of labelled transition systems from reactive systems defined over directed bigraphs, a computational meta-model which subsumes other variants of bigraphs...
Abstract. In the quest for tractable methods for reasoning about concurrent algorithms both rely/guarantee logic and separation logic have made great advances. They both seek to ta...
Abstract. We consider linear time temporal logic enriched with semiextended regular expressions through various operators that have been proposed in the literature, in particular i...
The model checking problem for finite-state open systems (module checking) has been extensively studied in the literature, both in the context of environments with perfect and imp...
Priority is a frequently used feature of many computational systems. In this paper we study the expressiveness of two process algebras enriched with different priority mechanisms...
Abstract. We propose a new operational model for shared variable concurrency, in the context of a concurrent, higher-order imperative language `a la ML. In our model the scheduling...
We introduce strategy logic, a logic that treats strategies in two-player games as explicit first-order objects. The explicit treatment of strategies allows us to specify properti...
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Thomas A. Henzinger, Nir Pi...
Dπ is a simple distributed extension of the π-calculus in which agents are explicitly located, and may use an explicit migration construct to move between locations. In this pap...