The processing of data is often restricted by contractual and legal requirements for protecting privacy and IPRs. Policies provide means to control how and by whom data is processe...
The elderly is characterized by age related capabilities and handicaps. Whereas age related capabilities like plasticity and adaptability on changing living conditions can lead to ...
Abstract. We consider the problem of sequence prediction in a probabilistic setting. Let there be given a class C of stochastic processes (probability measures on the set of one-wa...
Much recent work on Byzantine state machine replication focuses on protocols with improved performance under benign conditions (LANs, homogeneous replicas, limited crash faults), ...
Atul Singh, Tathagata Das, Petros Maniatis, Peter ...
This paper investigates some soundness conditions which have to be fulfilled in systems with coercions and generic operators. A result of Reynolds on unrestricted generic operators...
Conditions on a shared object type T are given that are both necessary and sufficient for wait-free n-process consensus to be solvable using objects of type T and registers. The co...
Summarizability of OLAP and Statistical Databases is an a extremely important property because violating this condition can lead to erroneous conclusions and decisions. In this pa...
Abstract. A race condition is a situation where two threads manipulate a data structure simultaneously, without synchronization. Race conditions are common errors in multithreaded ...
During design exploration, many implementations of the same system specification may need to be evaluated. In this paper, we present an approach to construct sufficient and nece...
Sensitivity Analysis (SA) is a novel compiler technique that complements, and integrates with, static automatic parallelization analysis for the cases when relevant program behavi...
Silvius Rus, Maikel Pennings, Lawrence Rauchwerger