This paper presents an approach for the specification and implementation of business contracts needed for Business-to-Business (B2B) services. We first examine typical elements of...
Andrew Goodchild, Charles Herring, Zoran Milosevic
In automated negotiation systems consisting of self-interested agents, contracts have traditionally been binding. Leveled commitment contracts--i.e., contracts where each party ca...
In automated negotiation systems consisting of selfinterested agents, contracts have traditionally been binding, i.e., impossible to breach. Such contracts do not allow the agents...
A virtual organization (VO) is a dynamic collection of entities (individuals, enterprises, and information resources) collaborating on some computational activity. VOs are an emer...
We consider how much influence a center can exert on a game if its only power is to propose contracts to the agents before the original game, and enforce the contracts after the g...
— Web services orchestrations and choreographies require establishing Quality of Service (QoS) contracts with the user. This is achieved by performing QoS composition, based on c...
Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar, Cl...
Electronic inter-organizational relationships are governed by contracts regulating their interaction. It is necessary to run-time monitor the contracts, as to guarantee their fulfi...
Abstract. Assertion-based contracts provide a powerful mechanism for stating invariants at module boundaries and for enforcing them uniformly. In 2002, Findler and Felleisen showed...
We propose a small extension of the ERLANG language that allows programmers to specify contracts with type information at the level of individual functions. Such contracts are opt...
Miguel Jimenez, Tobias Lindahl, Konstantinos F. Sa...
The analogy between types and contracts raises the question of how many features of static type systems can be expressed as dynamic contracts. An important feature missing in prio...
Arjun Guha, Jacob Matthews, Robert Bruce Findler, ...