Abstract. As Service-Oriented Architectures are more widely adopted, it becomes more important to adopt measures for ensuring that the services satisfy functional and non-functiona...
Checking pre- and post-conditions of procedures and methods at runtime helps improve software reliability. In the procedural world, pre- and post-conditions have a straightforward...
JSContest is a tool that enhances JavaScript with simple, type-like contracts and provides a framework for monitoring and guided random testing of programs against these contracts ...
Software systems are becoming more open, distributed, pervasive, and connected. In such systems, the relationships between loosely-coupled application elements become non-determini...
Design by ContractTM is commonly cited as an example of the “crosscutting” concerns that aspect-oriented programming can address. We test this conjecture by attempting to imple...
Stephanie Balzer, Patrick Th. Eugster, Bertrand Me...
As modern computing environments become more open, distributed and pervasive, the software we build for those dynamic environments will need to become more adaptable and adaptive....
In the context of Service Oriented Computing, contracts are descriptions of the externally observable behaviour of services. Given a group of collaborating services, their contract...
Existing contract checkers for data structures force programmers to choose between poor alternatives. Contracts are either built into the functions that construct the data structur...
As information systems (IS) and technology solutions become increasingly service-driven, managers are faced with the task of choosing parameters such as service-levels, pricing, a...
Where do contracts — specification elements embedded in executable code — come from? To produce them, should we rely on the programmers, on automatic tools, or some combinati...