
119views Control Systems» more  CDC 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Combining extremum seeking control and tracking control for high-performance CVT operation
The control design for the variator in a pushbelt continuously variable transmission (CVT) is investigated. The variator enables a stepless variation of the transmission ratio with...
Stan van der Meulen, Bram de Jager, Frans Veldpaus...
106views more  TROB 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Visual servoing of an under-actuated dynamic rigid-body system: an image-based approach
Abstract--A new image-based control strategy for visual servoing of a class of under-actuated rigid body systems is presented. The proposed control design applies to "eye-in-h...
Tarek Hamel, Robert E. Mahony
71views more  AUTOMATICA 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Performance of convergence-based variable-gain control of optical storage drives
In this paper, a method for the performance assessment of a variable-gain control design for optical storage drives is proposed. The variablegain strategy is used to overcome well...
Nathan van de Wouw, H. A. Pastink, Marcel F. Heert...
84views more  AUTOMATICA 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Path following using transverse feedback linearization: Application to a maglev positioning system
This article presents an approach to path following control design based on transverse feedback linearization. A "transversal" controller is designed to drive the output...
Christopher Nielsen, Cameron Fulford, Manfredi Mag...
129views Robotics» more  IROS 2007»
14 years 9 months ago
Global stabilization of a four rotor helicopter with bounded inputs
Abstract— This paper proposes a global asymptotic stabilizing control law for a quad-rotor helicopter with bounded inputs. The proposed control design exploits the technique base...
Ahmad Hably, Nicolas Marchand
200views Robotics» more  ICARCV 2008»
14 years 9 months ago
An active ball handling mechanism for RoboCup
—This paper describes a new active ball handling method for the RoboCup mid-size league as used by team Tech United at Eindhoven University of Technology. A theoretical model is ...
Jeroen de Best, René van de Molengraft