nalysis of logic programs, abstract domains for detecting sharing and linearity ion are widely used. Devising abstract unification algorithms for such domains has proved to be ra...
We present an algorithm to perform a simultaneous modular reduction of several residues. This enables to compress polynomials into integers and perform several modular operations ...
We show that the Brier game of prediction is mixable and find the optimal learning rate and substitution function for it. The resulting prediction algorithm is applied to predict...
We investigate the following question: if a polynomial can be evaluated at rational points by a polynomial-time boolean algorithm, does it have a polynomial-size arithmetic circuit...
— In this paper, we present a complete analytical study of dynamic membership (aka churn) in structured peer-to-peer networks. We use a master-equation-based approach, which is u...
Supriya Krishnamurthy, Sameh El-Ansary, Erik Aurel...
There is a growing body of work on sorting and selection in models other than the unit-cost comparison model. This work treats a natural stochastic variant of the problem where the...