We give a new, and hopefully more easily understandable, structural proof of the decomposition of a k-valued transducer into k unambiguous functional ones, a result established by...
Abstract--In this letter the performance of multiple relay channels is analyzed for the situation in which multiple antennas are deployed only at the relays. The simple repetition-...
Yijia Fan, Abdulkareem Adinoyi, John S. Thompson, ...
Gossip algorithms have recently received significant attention, mainly because they constitute simple and robust message-passing schemes for distributed information processing over...
This paper concerns the capacity of the discrete noiseless channel introduced by Shannon. A sufficient condition is given for the capacity to be well-defined. For a general discre...
This paper presents improved approximation algorithms for the problem of multiprocessor scheduling under uncertainty (SUU), in which the execution of each job may fail probabilist...
Christopher Y. Crutchfield, Zoran Dzunic, Jeremy T...
Results for Gaussian relay channels typically focus on maximizing transmission rates for given locations of the source, relay and destination. We introduce an alternative perspecti...
Vaneet Aggarwal, Amir Bennatan, A. Robert Calderba...
Abstract. We consider graph searching games on directed graphs and corresponding digraph decompositions. In particular we show that two important variants of these games