In some real world situations, linear models are not sufficient to represent accurately complex relations between input variables and output variables of a studied system. Multila...
The methods used to establish PSPACE-bounds for modal logics can roughly be grouped into two classes: syntax driven methods establish that exhaustive proof search can be performed...
Abstract-- Multimode precoding, where the number of independent data-streams is adapted optimally, can be used to maximize the achievable throughput in multi-antenna communication ...
Vasanthan Raghavan, Venugopal V. Veeravalli, Akbar...
Many semantical aspects of programming languages are specified through calculi for constructing proofs: consider, for example, the specification of structured operational semantic...
Abstract. We study the problem of preventing double spending in electronic payment schemes in a distributed fashion. This problem occurs, for instance, when the spending of electro...
In this article we prove that given a self-similar interval exchange transformation T(,), whose associated matrix verifies a quite general algebraic condition, there exists an affi...
We present a new probabilistic algorithm to find a finite set of points intersecting the closure of each connected component of the realization of every sign condition over a fami...
We say x {0, 1, 2}N is a word with Sturmian erasures if for any a {0, 1, 2} the word obtained erasing all a in x is a Sturmian word. A large family of such words is given coding ...