Authoring documents in MKM formats like OMDoc is a very tedious task. After years of working on a semantically annotated corpus of STEX documents (GenCS), we identified a set of co...
Quantum Cryptography or Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a technique that allows the secure distribution of a bit string, used as key in cryptographic protocols. When it was note...
This paper describes in details the first version of Morphonette, a new French morphological resource and a new radically lexeme-based method of morphological analysis. This resea...
In this paper we characterize and construct novel oversampled filter banks implementing fusion frames. A fusion frame is a sequence of orthogonal projection operators whose sum can...
Consider a convex relaxation ^f of a pseudo-boolean function f. We say that the relaxation is totally half-integral if ^f(x) is a polyhedral function with halfintegral extreme poi...
A sender wishes to broadcast a message of length n over an alphabet of size k to r users, where each user i, 1 i r should be able to receive one of possible mi messages. The cha...