Database transformations arise in many di erent settings including database integration, evolution of database systems, and implementing user views and data-entry tools. This paper...
The goal of program transformation is to improve efficiency while preserving meaning. One of the best known transformation techniques is Burstall and Darlington’s unfold-fold me...
The correctness of an optimisation of the Transport Capabilities Application Part of the Signalling System No. 7 is formalised as a branching bisimulation which is relaxed to allo...
Abstract. In component-based development, the correctness of a system depends on the correctness of the individual components and on their interactions. Model-based testing is a wa...
In this paper, we carefully explore the assumptions behind using information capacity equivalence as a measure of correctness for judging transformed schemas in schema integration...
Verified compilers, such as Leroy's CompCert, are accompanied by a fully checked correctness proof. Both the compiler and proof are often constructed with an interactive proo...
Abstract. The correctness of nested transactions for multidatabases differs from that of at transactions in that, for nested transactions the execution order of siblings at each re...
Ugur Halici, Ismailcem Budak Arpinar, Asuman Dogac
Abstract. The classical concepts of partial and total correctness identify all types of runtime errors and divergence. We argue that the associated notions of translation correctne...
The e ective design of composite dependable and real-time protocols entails demonstrating their proof of correctness and, in practice, the e cient delivery of services. We focus o...
Building a high-performance microprocessor presents many reliability challenges. Designers must verify the correctness of large complex systems and construct implementations that ...