Abstract. Interleaved planning and scheduling employs the idea of extending partial plans by regularly heeding to the scheduling constraints during search. One of the techniques us...
In this paper, we present an algorithm to propagate an n-ary constraint (with n greater than 2) specifying the relative positions of points in a three-dimensional rigid group. The ...
Abstract. In 1997 we presented ten challenges for research on satisfiability testing [1]. In this paper we review recent progress towards each of these challenges, including our o...
Recently spectacular improvements in the performance of SAT solvers have been achieved through nogood recording (clause learning). In the CSP literature, on the other hand, nogood ...
Abstract. Combinatorial auctions are an important e-commerce application where bidders can bid on combinations of items. The problem of selecting the best bids that cover all items...
A binary constraints network consists of a set of n variables, defined on domains of size at most d, and a set of e binary constraints. The binary constraint satisfaction problem ...
For the last ten years, a significant amount of work in the constraint community has been devoted to the improvement of complete methods for solving soft constraints networks. We ...
Simon de Givry, Javier Larrosa, Pedro Meseguer, Th...