Millions of containers are stowed every week with goods worth billions of dollars, but container vessel stowage is an all but neglected combinatorial optimization problem. In this ...
Measuring graph similarity is a key issue in many applications. We propose a new constraint-based modeling language for defining graph similarity measures by means of constraints. ...
We consider the problem of exploring the search tree of a CLP goal in pursuit of a target property. Essential to such a process is a method of tabling to prevent duplicate explorat...
Many problems require minimally perturbing an initial state in order to repair some violated constraints. We consider two search spaces for exactly solving this minimal perturbatio...
We investigate the global GRAMMAR constraint over restricted classes of context free grammars like deterministic and unambiguous context-free grammars. We show that detecting disen...
George Katsirelos, Sebastian Maneth, Nina Narodyts...
Abstract. Today's models for propagation-based constraint solvers require propagators as implementations of constraints to be at least contracting and monotonic. These models ...
We introduce a new approach to approximating weighted Max-SAT problems that is based on simplifying a given instance, and then tightening the approximation. First, we relax its str...
Abstract. We address a location-allocation problem that requires deciding the location of a set of facilities, the allocation of customers to those facilities under facility capaci...
In constraint satisfaction, basic inferences rely on some properties of constraint networks, called consistencies, that allow the identification of inconsistent instantiations (als...