This paper presents a new way of formalizing the Coalition Structure Generation problem (CSG), so that we can apply constraint optimization techniques to it. Forming effective coal...
Naoki Ohta, Vincent Conitzer, Ryo Ichimura, Yuko S...
We prove that hull consistency for a system of equations or inequalities can be achieved in polynomial time providing that the underlying functions are monotone with respect to eac...
The Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem (VCSP) is a general framework encompassing many optimisation problems. We discuss precisely what it means for a problem to be modelled in...
Abstract. In this paper, we show how model-checking can be generalized to temporal logic constraint solving, by considering temporal logic formulae with free variables over some do...
The length-lex representation for set variables orders all subsets of a given universe of values according to cardinality and lexicography. To achieve length-lex bounds consistency...
This paper presents the first experimental evaluation of the length-lex domain for set variables. The implementation is based on bound-consistency algorithms proposed in earlier wo...