Abstract. In this paper we consider commitment schemes that are secure against concurrent man-in-the-middle (cMiM) attacks. Under such attacks, two possible notions of security for...
Rafail Ostrovsky, Giuseppe Persiano, Ivan Visconti
It is well known that universally composable multiparty computation cannot, in general, be achieved in the standard model without setup assumptions when the adversary can corrupt a...
: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of authenticated throughput-ecient routing in an unreliable and dynamically changing synchronous network in which the majo...
The first and still most popular solution for secure two-party computation relies on Yao's garbled circuits. Unfortunately, Yao's construction provide security only again...
We revisit the rate-1 blockcipher based hash functions as first studied by Preneel, Govaerts and Vandewalle (Crypto'93) and later extensively analysed by Black, Rogaway and Sh...
Enhanced Target Collision Resistance (eTCR) property for a hash function was put forth by Halevi and Krawczyk in Crypto 2006, in conjunction with the randomized hashing mode that i...
MULTI2 is the block cipher used in the ISDB standard for scrambling digital multimedia content. MULTI2 is used in Japan to secure multimedia broadcasting, including recent applicat...
Abstract. We provide the first proof of security for Tandem-DM, one of the oldest and most wellknown constructions for turning a blockcipher with n-bit blocklength and 2n-bit keyle...
The EnRUPT hash functions were proposed by O'Neil, Nohl and Henzen [5] as candidates for the SHA-3 competition, organised by NIST [4]. The proposal contains seven concrete has...