Secure communication in distributed systems is notoriously hard to achieve due to the variety of attacks an adversary can mount, based on message interception, modification, redi...
Early work on security-typed languages required that legal information flows be defined statically. More recently, techniques have been introduced that relax these assumptions a...
Sruthi Bandhakavi, William H. Winsborough, Mariann...
We investigate the composition of protocols that share a common secret. This situation arises when users employ the same password on different services. More precisely we study w...
DKAL is a new declarative authorization language for distributed systems. It is based on existential fixed-point logic and is considerably more expressive than existing authoriza...
In various settings, such as when customers use the same passwords at several independent web sites, security decisions by one organization may have a significant impact on the s...
Reiko Ann Miura-Ko, Benjamin Yolken, John Mitchell...
Composition theorems in simulation-based approaches allow to build complex protocols from sub-protocols in a modular way. However, as first pointed out and studied by Canetti and ...