We introduce in this paper two probabilistic reasoning models (PRM-1 and PRM-2) which combine the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique and the Bayes classifier and show th...
We have developed a computer vision system, including both facial feature extraction and recognition, that automatically discriminates among subtly different facial expressions. E...
James Jenn-Jier Lien, Takeo Kanade, Jeffrey F. Coh...
In extended video sequences, individual frames are grouped into shots which are defined as a sequence taken by a single camera, and related shots are grouped into scenes which are...
This paper presents a new technique for modelling object classes (such as faces) and matching the model to novel images from the object class. The technique can be used for a vari...
We present a 3-D shape-based object recognition system for simultaneous recognition of multiple objects in scenes containing clutter and occlusion. Recognition is based on matchin...
We consider the problem of determining whether two images come from different objects or the same object in the same pose, but under different illumination conditions. We show tha...
The Euclidean skeleton is essential for general shape representation. This paper provides an e cient method to extract a well-connected Euclidean skeleton by a neighbor bisector d...
We propose a methodfor segmenting gray-value images. By segmentation, we mean a map from the set of pixels to a small set of levels such that each connected component of the set o...
A method is presented for e cient and reliable object recognition within noisy, cluttered, and occluded range images. The method is based on a strategy which hypothesizes the inte...