Motivated by the success of parts based representations in face detection we have attempted to address some of the problems associated with applying such a philosophy to the task ...
Photometric methods in computer vision require calibration of the camera's radiometric response, and previous works have addressed this problem using multiple registered imag...
Stephen Lin, Jinwei Gu, Shuntaro Yamazaki, Heung-Y...
? Robust feature matching across different views of the same scene taken by two cameras with wide baseline and arbitrary rotation is still an open problem. Matching based on appear...
Face recognition under unconstrained illuminations (FR/I) received extensive study because of the existence of illumination subspace. [2] presented a study on the comparison betwe...
Abstract-- Efficient detection of globally optimal surfaces representing object boundaries in volumetric datasets is important and remains challenging in many medical image analysi...
When we take a picture through a window the image we obtain is often a linear superposition of two images: the image of the scene beyond the window plus the image of the scene ref...
In this paper, we study how estimates of ego-motion based on feature tracking (visual odometry) can be improved using a rough (low accuracy) map of where the observer has been. We...
Face detection systems have recently achieved high detection rates[11, 8, 5] and real-time performance[11]. However, these methods usually rely on a huge training database (around...
This paper deals with the error analysis of a novel navigation algorithm that uses as input the sequence of images acquired from a moving camera and a Digital Terrain (or Elevatio...