In this paper we present a dynamic model for simulating face aging process. We adopt a high resolution grammatical face model[1] and augment it with age and hair features. This mo...
Jin-Li Suo, Feng Min, Song Chun Zhu, Shiguang Shan...
Target-based positioning and 3-D target reconstruction are critical capabilities in deploying submersible platforms for a range of underwater applications, e.g., search and inspec...
We address the problem of estimating human pose in video sequences, where rough location has been determined. We exploit both appearance and motion information by defining suitabl...
We study the challenging problem of maneuvering object tracking with unknown dynamics, i.e., forces or torque. We investigate the underlying causes of object kinematics, and propo...
We present a systematic procedure for selecting facial fiducial points associated with diverse structural characteristics of a human face. We identify such characteristics from th...
Shalini Gupta, J. K. Aggarwal, Mia K. Markey, Alan...
In this paper, we introduce a novel real-time tracker based on color, texture and motion information. RGB color histogram and correlogram (autocorrelogram) are exploited as color ...
In this paper we investigate how to scale a content based image retrieval approach beyond the RAM limits of a single computer and to make use of its hard drive to store the featur...
Our goal is to circumvent one of the roadblocks to using existing approaches for single-view recognition for achieving multi-view recognition, namely, the need for sufficient trai...
This paper presents an approach that incorporates Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) for monocular 3D face pose and facial animation estimation. The CCA is used to find the depe...
We combine detection and tracking techniques to achieve robust 3?D motion recovery of people seen from arbitrary viewpoints by a single and potentially moving camera. We rely on d...
Andrea Fossati, Miodrag Dimitrijevic, Vincent Lepe...