
13 years 11 months ago
A Case for Deconstructing Hardware Transactional Memory Systems
Major hardware and software vendors are curious about transactional memory (TM), but are understandably cautious about committing to hardware changes. Our thesis is that deconstru...
Mark D. Hill, Derek Hower, Kevin E. Moore, Michael...
13 years 11 months ago
Some Experiments on Tiling Loop Programs for Shared-Memory Multicore Architectures
The model-based transformation of loop programs is a way of detecting fine-grained parallelism in sequential programs. One of the challenges is to agglomerate the parallelism to a...
Armin Größlinger
13 years 11 months ago
Smoothed Analysis of Binary Search Trees and Quicksort Under Additive Noise
Binary search trees are a fundamental data structure and their height plays a key role in the analysis of divide-and-conquer algorithms like quicksort. Their worst-case height is l...
Bodo Manthey, Till Tantau
13 years 11 months ago
Constraint Databases and Geographic Information Systems
Constraint databases and geographic information systems share many applications. However, constraint databases can go beyond geographic information systems in efficient spatial and...
Peter Z. Revesz
13 years 11 months ago
An analytic solution to the alibi query in the bead model for moving object data
Abstract. Moving objects produce trajectories, which are stored in databases by means of finite samples of time-stamped locations. When also speed limitations in these sample poin...
Bart Kuijpers, Walied Othman
13 years 11 months ago
Exact Elimination of Cycles in Graphs
One of the standard basic steps in drawing hierarchical graphs is to invert some arcs of the given graph to make the graph acyclic. We discuss exact and parameterized algorithms fo...
Daniel Raible, Henning Fernau
13 years 11 months ago
Approximating Solution Structure
Approximations can aim at having close to optimal value or, alternatively, they can aim at structurally resembling an optimal solution. Whereas value-approximation has been extensi...
Iris van Rooij, Matthew Hamilton, Moritz Müll...