
95views more  BMCBI 2008»
14 years 21 days ago
Unsupervised reduction of random noise in complex data by a row-specific, sorted principal component-guided method
Background: Large biological data sets, such as expression profiles, benefit from reduction of random noise. Principal component (PC) analysis has been used for this purpose, but ...
Joseph W. Foley, Fumiaki Katagiri
124views more  BMCBI 2007»
14 years 21 days ago
A high-accuracy consensus map of yeast protein complexes reveals modular nature of gene essentiality
Background: Identifying all protein complexes in an organism is a major goal of systems biology. In the past 18 months, the results of two genome-scale tandem affinity purificatio...
G. Traver Hart, Insuk Lee, Edward M. Marcotte
149views more  BMCBI 2007»
14 years 21 days ago
Novel and simple transformation algorithm for combining microarray data sets
Background: With microarray technology, variability in experimental environments such as RNA sources, microarray production, or the use of different platforms, can cause bias. Suc...
Ki-Yeol Kim, Dong Hyuk Ki, Ha Jin Jeong, Hei-Cheul...
128views more  BMCBI 2008»
14 years 21 days ago
Improving the prediction accuracy in classification using the combined data sets by ranks of gene expressions
Background: The information from different data sets experimented under different conditions may be inconsistent even though they are performed with the same research objectives. ...
Ki-Yeol Kim, Dong Hyuk Ki, Hei-Cheul Jeung, Hyun C...
170views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 21 days ago
Integrative analysis of gene expression and copy number alterations using canonical correlation analysis
Background: With the rapid development of new genetic measurement methods, several types of genetic alterations can be quantified in a high-throughput manner. While the initial fo...
Charlotte Soneson, Henrik Lilljebjörn, Thoas ...
139views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 21 days ago
A highly efficient multi-core algorithm for clustering extremely large datasets
Background: In recent years, the demand for computational power in computational biology has increased due to rapidly growing data sets from microarray and other high-throughput t...
Johann M. Kraus, Hans A. Kestler
77views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 21 days ago
web cellHTS2: A web-application for the analysis of high-throughput screening data
Background: The analysis of high-throughput screening data sets is an expanding field in bioinformatics. Highthroughput screens by RNAi generate large primary data sets which need...
Oliver Pelz, Moritz Gilsdorf, Michael Boutros
171views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 21 days ago
PyMix - The Python mixture package - a tool for clustering of heterogeneous biological data
Background: Cluster analysis is an important technique for the exploratory analysis of biological data. Such data is often high-dimensional, inherently noisy and contains outliers...
Benjamin Georgi, Ivan Gesteira Costa, Alexander Sc...
14 years 24 days ago
Recommending based on rating frequencies
Since the development of the comparably simple neighborhood-based methods in the 1990s, a plethora of techniques has been developed to improve various aspects of collaborative fil...
Fatih Gedikli, Dietmar Jannach
14 years 1 months ago
Budgeted Nonparametric Learning from Data Streams
We consider the problem of extracting informative exemplars from a data stream. Examples of this problem include exemplarbased clustering and nonparametric inference such as Gauss...
Ryan Gomes, Andreas Krause