With the emergence of large wired and wireless sensor networks, many real-time applications need to operate on continuous unbounded data streams. At the same time, many of these s...
Yuan Wei, Vibha Prasad, Sang Hyuk Son, John A. Sta...
Scientific instruments, such as radio telescopes, colliders, sensor networks, and simulators generate very high volumes of data streams that scientists analyze to detect and under...
There is much interest in the processing of data streams for applications in the fields such as financial analysis, network monitoring, mobile services, and sensor network manage...
We consider the problem of maintaining aggregates over recent elements of a massive data stream. Motivated by applications involving network data, we consider asynchronous data str...
Catching the recent trend of data is an important issue when mining frequent itemsets from data streams. To prevent from storing the whole transaction data within the sliding windo...
The increasing availability of streaming data is a consequence of the continuing advancement of data acquisition technology. Such data provides new challenges to the various data a...
Dimitris K. Tasoulis, Gordon J. Ross, Niall M. Ada...
Data streams are usually generated in an online fashion characterized by huge volume, rapid unpredictable rates, and fast changing data characteristics. It has been hence recogniz...
Xuan Hong Dang, Wee Keong Ng, Kok-Leong Ong, Vince...
This work presents the design of real-time applications for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) by using an algorithm based on data stream to process the sensor data. The proposed alg...
A growing number of applications have become reliant or can benefit from monitoring data streams. Data streams are potentially unbounded in size, hence, Data Stream Management Sy...
Fatih Altiparmak, David Chiu, Hakan Ferhatosmanogl...
The ability to query data streams is of increasing importance and has been identified as a crucial element for modern organizations and agencies. This paper identifies a class o...