Abstract. Decision making in engineering design can be effectively addressed by using genetic algorithms to solve multi-objective problems. These multi-objective genetic algorithm...
The next generation of air traffic control will require automated decision support systems in order to meet safety, reliability, flexibility, and robustness demands in an environ...
Jared C. Hill, F. Ryan Johnson, James K. Archibald...
There has been much research investigating team cognition, naturalistic decision making, and collaborative technology as it relates to real world, complex domains of practice. How...
Xiaocong Fan, Shuang Sun, Michael D. McNeese, John...
E-learning growth is driven by global, societal, and technological changes that both enable and require increased worker and learner mobility, access to distributed domain experti...
In the 21st century, organizations are experiencing environmental changes characterized by indistinct organizational boundaries and fast-paced change. As a result firms need appro...
Agreement-based resource management is becoming the foundation of grid system. Since the grid resource management encompasses a wide range of different scenarios, the decision mak...
Our ability to improve decision making in software development hinges on understanding how decisions are made, and which approaches to decision making are better than others. Howev...
Decision making is an important issue in robot soccer, which has not been investigated deeply enough by the RoboCup research community. This paper proposes a probabilistic approach...
Pablo Guerrero, Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Gonzalo D&i...
Abstract. Decision making is an important aspect of meetings in organisational settings, and archives of meeting recordings constitute a valuable source of information about the de...
The selection of web services according to different quality of service (QoS) is one of the most important decision issues for which complex considerations are involved. In many c...