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We propose a new approach to characterizing the timeline of a text: temporal dependency structures, where all the events of a narrative are linked via partial ordering relations l...
Oleksandr Kolomiyets, Steven Bethard, Marie-Franci...
This paper presents a comparative study of target dependency structures yielded by several state-of-the-art linguistic parsers. Our approach is to measure the impact of these noni...
Xianchao Wu, Katsuhito Sudoh, Kevin Duh, Hajime Ts...
Abstract—Many important real-world systems, modeled naturally as complex networks, have heterogeneous interactions and complicated dependency structures. Link prediction in such ...
Darcy A. Davis, Ryan Lichtenwalter, Nitesh V. Chaw...
This paper describes log-linear models for a general-purpose sentence realizer based on dependency structures. Unlike traditional realizers using grammar rules, our method realize...
Alpino is a wide-coverage computational analyzer of Dutch which aims at accurate, full, parsing of unrestricted text. We describe the head-driven lexicalized grammar and the lexic...
We describe a method for enriching the output of a parser with information available in a corpus. The method is based on graph rewriting using memorybased learning, applied to dep...
We explore a stacked framework for learning to predict dependency structures for natural language sentences. A typical approach in graph-based dependency parsing has been to assum...
This paper shows that a LAF/GrAF-based annotation schema can be used for the adequate representation of syntactic dependency structures in many languages. We first argue that ther...
Dependency structures do not have the information of phrase categories in phrase structure grammar. Thus, dependency parsing relies heavily on the lexical information of words. Th...
Dependency-based representations of natural language syntax require a fine balance between structural flexibility and computational complexity. In previous work, several constra...