daml+oil is a new description logic developed for use within the DAML project and as a submission to the upcoming W3C semantic web ontology working group. It is closely based on t...
This paper investigates an optimization technique for reasoning with qualified number restrictions in the description logic ALCQHR+ . We present a hybrid architecture where a stan...
In this extended abstract an optimization technique, the so-called signature calculus, for reasoning with number restrictions in description logics is investigated. The calculus i...
OWL DL, being established by W3C, is a Knowledge Representation Markup Language for the Semantic Web. OWL DL is a new synthesis of research on KRML for the Semantic Web, which nee...
We examine the possible use of Description Logics as a knowledge representation and reasoning system for high-level scene interpretation. It is shown that aggregates composed of m...
For ontologies represented as Description Logic Tboxes, optimised DL reasoners are able to detect logical errors, but there is comparatively limited support for resolving such pro...
Thomas Andreas Meyer, Kevin Lee, Richard Booth, Je...
We study conjunctive query answering in the description logic EL, the core of the designated OWL2-EL profile of OWL2. In particular, we present an approach that allows the use of c...
Product development requires the ability to check design consistency, to verify design properties, and to answer questions about a design's possible implementations. These tas...
Snomed ct is a large-scale medical ontology, which is developed using a variant of the inexpressive Description Logic EL. Description Logic reasoning can not only be used to compu...