Thomassen [Combinatorica 24 (2004), 699–718] proved that a 2–connected, compact, locally connected metric space is homeomorphic to a subset of the sphere if and only if it doe...
R. Bruce Richter, Brendan Rooney, Carsten Thomasse...
Abstract. A graph is connected-homogeneous if any isomorphism between finite connected induced subgraphs extends to an automorphism of the graph. In this paper we classify the cou...
A cycle in a matroid is a disjoint union of circuits. This paper proves that every regular matroid M without coloops has a set S of cycles whose union is E(M) such that every elem...
We consider "swept regions" and "swept hypersurfaces"B in Rn+1 (and especially R3) which are a disjoint union of subspaces t = t or Bt = Bt obtained from a va...
We consider the problem of minimizing the size of a set system G such that every subset of {1, . . . , n} can be written as a disjoint union of at most k members of G, where k and...
A term rewriting system is called complete if it is both confluent and strongly norrealizing. Barendregt and Klop showed that the disjoint union of complete term rewriting systems...
Series-parallel orders are de ned as the least class of partial orders containing the one-element order and closed by ordinal sum and disjoint union. From this inductive de nition,...
In a graph coloring, each color class induces a disjoint union of isolated vertices. A graph subcoloring generalizes this concept, since here each color class induces a disjoint un...
If there exist efficient procedures (canonizers) for reducing terms of two first-order theories to canonical form, can one use them to construct such a procedure for terms of the d...