Modern microprocessors get more and more susceptible to transient faults, e.g. caused by high-energetic particles due to high integration, clock frequencies, temperature and decre...
processor arrays can be used as accelerators for a plenty of data flow-dominant applications. The explosive growth in research and development of massively parallel processor arr...
We have developed an application-driven methodology for implementing parallel and heterogeneous programmable platforms. We deploy our flow for network access platforms where we h...
Step caches are caches in which data entered to an cache array is kept valid only until the end of ongoing step of execution. Together with an advanced pipelined multithreaded arc...
The industry is rapidly moving towards the adoption of Chip Multi-Processors (CMPs) of Simultaneous MultiThreaded (SMT) cores for general purpose systems. The most prominent use o...
Ali El-Moursy, R. Garg, David H. Albonesi, Sandhya...
Current electronic system design requires to be concerned with power consumption consideration. However, in a lot of design tools, the application power consumption budget is esti...