We show that the problem of predicate detection in distributed systems is NP-complete. In the past, efficient algorithms have been developed for special classes of predicates suc...
Many researchers are devising algorithms for task placement in distributed systems, but few are designing the necessary mechanisms to provide the information required by those alg...
High-performance computing increasingly occurs on "computational grids" composed of heterogeneous and geographically distributed systems of computers, networks, and stor...
The perceived advantages of distributed systems, such as increased reliability and availability, are o set by the increased complexity of developing such applications. The develop...
Modern scientific computing involves organizing, moving, visualizing, and analyzing massive amounts of data from around the world, as well as employing large-scale computation. The...
Brian Tierney, William E. Johnston, Jason Lee, Mar...
When dealing with large, distributed systems that use state-of-the-art components, individual components are usually developed in parallel. As development continues, the decouplin...
High quality of security is increasingly critical for applications running on heterogeneous distributed systems. However, existing scheduling algorithms for heterogeneous distribu...
An important issue of distributed systems is interoperability. Lack of interoperability between distributed systems is a common problem with current and legacy applications. Since...