
176views more  IJACTAICIT 2010»
14 years 5 days ago
A Secured Web Services Based E-Commerce Model for SMME Using Digital Identity
This paper deals with redesigning the existing e-commerce architecture that has provided a platform for the large companies to sell their products so that it can provide a place o...
Ashwin B. K., Kumaran K., Madhu Vishwanatham V., M...
120views more  KAIS 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Agents in E-Commerce: State of the Art
Abstract. This paper surveys the state of the art of agent-mediated electronic commerce (ecommerce), especially in business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce and business-to-business (B...
Minghua He, Ho-fung Leung
115views more  DEBU 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Database Design for Real-World E-Commerce Systems
This paper discusses the structure and components of databases for real-world e-commerce systems. We first present an integrated 8-process value chain needed by the e-commerce sys...
Il-Yeol Song, Kyu-Young Whang
116views more  SQJ 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
E-commerce system quality assessment using a model based on ISO 9126 and Belief Networks
: As business transitions into the new economy, e-system successful use has become a strategic goal. Especially in business to consumer (e-commerce) applications, users highly eval...
Antonia Stefani, Michalis Nik Xenos
139views more  ISCI 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Easishop: Ambient intelligence assists everyday shopping
E-commerce has been one of the success stories of the last decade. Developments in wireless communications and mobile computing have heralded an era of mobile commerce (m-commerce...
Stephen Keegan, Gregory M. P. O'Hare, Michael J. O...
14 years 3 months ago
Privacy Preserving Collaborative Filtering Using Data Obfuscation
Collaborative filtering (CF) systems are being widely used in E-commerce applications to provide recommendations to users regarding products that might be of interest to them. Th...
Rupa Parameswaran, Douglas M. Blough
14 years 4 months ago
Beyond the electronic commerce diffusion race: efficiency prevails
The diffusion race of e-commerce applications and solutions in the German industry seems to be concluded. This applies more or less for large firms, but especially for SMEs in the...
Roman Beck, Wolfgang König, Rolf T. Wigand
14 years 4 months ago
A Model of E-Commerce for the Highly Valuable Traditional Products in Thailand
As e-commerce is considered an excellent alternative for business to reach new customers, interests in design principles for e-commerce websites, are increasing. However, not many...
Sakuna Vanichvisuttikul, Chamnong Jungthirapanich
117views Biometrics» more  HICSS 1999»
14 years 7 months ago
Application Framework Issues when Evolving Business Applications for Electronic Commerce
When an organization embarks on e-commerce it rarely has a chance to re-engineer its existing business applications. However, if these business applications were built using an ap...
Garry Froehlich, H. James Hoover, Wendy Liew, Paul...
14 years 8 months ago
Experimenting with a Multi-agent E-Commerce Environment
Agent technology is often claimed to be the most natural approach for automating e-commerce business processes. Despite these claims, up till now, the most successful e-commerce sy...
Costin Badica, Maria Ganzha, Marcin Paprzycki, Ama...