We describe here a framework dedicated to studies and experimentations upon the nature of the relationships between the rational reasoning process of an artificial agent and its ps...
Abstract. Goals are central to the design and implementation of intelligent software agents. Much of the literature on goals and reasoning about goals only deals with a limited set...
Michael Winikoff, Mehdi Dastani, M. Birna van Riem...
This work proposes a graph mining based approach to mine a taxonomy of events from activities for complex videos which are represented in terms of qualitative spatio-temporal relat...
Muralikrishna Sridhar, Anthony G. Cohn, David C. H...
We investigate the problem of learning action effects in partially observable STRIPS planning domains. Our approach is based on a voted kernel perceptron learning model, where act...
Symmetry is an important feature of many constraint programs. We show that any symmetry acting on a set of symmetry breaking constraints can be used to break symmetry. Different s...
A Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a general model for solving planning problems under uncertainty. It has been extended to multiobjective MDP to address multicriteria or multiagen...
Nested Monte-Carlo search is a general algorithm that gives good results in single player games. Genetic Programming evaluates and combines trees to discover expressions that maxim...
Abstract. Control engineering is a field of major industrial importance as it offers principles for engineering controllable physical devices, such as cell phones, television sets,...
We show that Booth et al.'s Horn contraction based on infra-remainder sets corresponds exactly to kernel contraction for belief sets. This result is obtained via a detour thro...