Histograms are used in almost every aspect of computer vi-4 4 sion, from visual descriptors to image representations. Histogram Inter-5 5 section Kernel (HIK) and SVM classifiers ...
3D human pose estimation in multi-view settings benefits from embeddings of human actions in low-dimensional manifolds, but the complexity of the embeddings increases with the num...
Since 1960s, aperture patterns have been studied extensively and a variety of coded apertures have been proposed for various applications, including extended depth of field, defocu...
Accurately modeling object colors, and features in general, plays a critical role in video segmentation and analysis. Commonly used color models, such as global Gaussian mixtures, ...
This paper introduces an approach for dense 3D reconstruction from unregistered Internet-scale photo collections with about 3 million of images within the span of a day on a single...
Abstract. By coding the input testing image as a sparse linear combination of the training samples via l1-norm minimization, sparse representation based classification (SRC) has b...
Abstract. We present a Bayesian approach for simultaneously estimating the number of people in a crowd and their spatial locations by sampling from a posterior distribution over cr...
Photometric stereo relies on inverting the image formation process, and doing this accurately requires reasoning about the visibility of light sources with respect to each image po...
We introduce a real-time stereo matching technique based on a reformulation of Yoon and Kweon’s adaptive support weights algorithm [1]. Our implementation uses the bilateral grid...