Let a graph be locally disjoint union of three copies of complete graphs Kq-1 and let be cospectral with the Hamming graph H(3, q). Bang and Koolen [Asian-Eur. J. Math. 1 (2008),...
Packing density is a permutation occurrence statistic which describes the maximal number of permutations of a given type that can occur in another permutation. In this article we ...
The paper contains a construction of a universal countable graph, different from the Rado graph, such that for any of its vertices both the neighbourhood and the non-neighbourhood ...
Let X = (V, E) be a finite simple connected graph with n vertices and m edges. A configuration is an assignment of one of two colors, black or white, to each edge of X. A move app...
We establish relations between the bandwidth and the treewidth of bounded degree graphs G, and relate these parameters to the size of a separator of G as well as the size of an exp...