Wireless sensor networks are often required to provide event miss-ratio assurance for a given event type. To meet such assurances along with minimum energy consumption, this paper ...
Abstract--Transmit diversity is necessary in harsh environments to reduce the required transmit power for achieving a given error performance at a certain transmission rate. In net...
Dieter Duyck, Daniele Capirone, Joseph Jean Boutro...
Model checking (MC) is a formal verification technique which has known and still knows a resounding success in the computer science community. Realizing that the distributed power...
Thomas Brihaye, Marc Jungers, Samson Lasaulce, Nic...
We present a general game-theoretical framework for the resource allocation problem in the downlink scenario of distributed wireless small-cell networks, where multiple access poi...
Abstract--We consider noncooperative energy-efficient resource allocation in the interference channel. Energy-efficiency is achieved when each system pays a price proportional to i...
Zhijiat Chong, Rami Mochaourab, Eduard A. Jorswiec...
To achieve off-line delegation for mobile readers, we propose a delegation protocol for mobile RFID allowing its readers access to specific tags through back-end server. That is t...
Flexbility and deployment simplicity are among the numerous advantages of wireless links when compared to standard wired communications. However, challenges do remain high for wire...
With the increasing popularity of wireless mesh networks (WMNs), the demand for multimedia services encompassing VoIP, multimedia streaming and interactive gaming is increasing rap...