
13 years 7 months ago
Multi-Word Expression Identification Using Sentence Surface Features
Much NLP research on Multi-Word Expressions (MWEs) focuses on the discovery of new expressions, as opposed to the identification in texts of known expressions. However, MWE identi...
Ram Boukobza, Ari Rappoport
13 years 7 months ago
Sinuhe - Statistical Machine Translation using a Globally Trained Conditional Exponential Family Translation Model
We present a new phrase-based conditional exponential family translation model for statistical machine translation. The model operates on a feature representation in which sentenc...
Matti Kääriäinen
13 years 7 months ago
Language Models Based on Semantic Composition
In this paper we propose a novel statistical language model to capture long-range semantic dependencies. Specifically, we apply the concept of semantic composition to the problem ...
Jeff Mitchell, Mirella Lapata
13 years 7 months ago
Supervised Learning of a Probabilistic Lexicon of Verb Semantic Classes
The work presented in this paper explores a supervised method for learning a probabilistic model of a lexicon of VerbNet classes. We intend for the probabilistic model to provide ...
Yusuke Miyao, Jun-ichi Tsujii
13 years 7 months ago
Discriminative Substring Decoding for Transliteration
We present a discriminative substring decoder for transliteration. This decoder extends recent approaches for discriminative character transduction by allowing for a list of known...
Colin Cherry, Hisami Suzuki
13 years 7 months ago
On the Role of Lexical Features in Sequence Labeling
We use the technique of SVM anchoring to demonstrate that lexical features extracted from a training corpus are not necessary to obtain state of the art results on tasks such as N...
Yoav Goldberg, Michael Elhadad
13 years 7 months ago
Active Learning by Labeling Features
Methods that learn from prior information about input features such as generalized expectation (GE) have been used to train accurate models with very little effort. In this paper,...
Gregory Druck, Burr Settles, Andrew McCallum
13 years 7 months ago
Graph Alignment for Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling
Unknown lexical items present a major obstacle to the development of broadcoverage semantic role labeling systems. We address this problem with a semisupervised learning approach ...
Hagen Fürstenau, Mirella Lapata