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Abstract-- In many portable devices, wireless network interfaces consume upwards of 30% of scarce system energy. Reducing the transceiver's power consumption to extend the sys...
Sofie Pollin, Rahul Mangharam, Bruno Bougard, Lies...
Recent technological advances have opened up a wide range of distributed real-time applications involving battery-driven embedded devices with local processing and wireless communi...
G. Sudha Anil Kumar, Govindarasu Manimaran, Zhengd...
We study a sensor node with an energy harvesting source. The generated energy can be stored in a buffer. The sensor node periodically senses a random field and generates a packet....
Current approaches to power management are based on operating systems with full knowledge of and full control over the underlying hardware; the distributed nature of multi-layered...
— In many devices, wireless network interfaces consume upwards of 30% of scarce portable system energy. Extending the system lifetime by minimizing communication power consumptio...
We propose a synergistic temperature and energy management scheme for GALS processors. Localized DVS is applied in domains that contain hotspots, permitting other critical domains...
Recent studies show that, voltage scaling, which is an efficient energy management technique, has a direct and negative effect on system reliability because of the increased rate...
The prominent energy management technique in real-time embedded systems, Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS), was recently shown to have direct and adverse effects on sys...
This paper presents an energy management policy for reconfigurable clusters running a multi-tier application, exploiting DVS together with multiple sleep states. We develop a the...
As sensor networks mature, there will be an increasing need for re-usable, dynamically taskable software systems that support multiple concurrent applications. In this paper, we c...