
107views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
Modeling Environment for Component Model Checking from Hierarchical Architecture
Application of model checking to isolated software components is not directly possible because a component does not form a complete program - the problem of missing environment oc...
Pavel Parizek, Frantisek Plasil
108views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
An Adaptation-based Approach to Incrementally Build Component Systems
Software components are now widely used in the development of systems. However, incompatibilities between their behavioural interfaces may make their composition impossible. The o...
Pascal Poizat, Gwen Salaün, Massimo Tivoli
103views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
Policy-based Coordination in PAGODA: A Case Study
PAGODA (Policy And GOal Based Distributed Autonomy) is a modular architecture for specifying and prototyping autonomous systems. A PAGODA node (agent) interacts with its environme...
Carolyn L. Talcott
67views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
An Orchestrator for Dynamic Interconnection of Software Components
Composing and orchestrating software components is a fundamental concern in modern software engineering. This paper addresses the possibility of such orchestration being dynamic, ...
Marco Antonio Barbosa, Luís Soares Barbosa
104views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
Implementing a Distributed Mobile Calculus Using the IMC Framework
In the last decade, many calculi for modelling distributed mobile code have been proposed. To assess their merits and encourage use, implementations of the calculi have often been...
Lorenzo Bettini, Rocco De Nicola, Daniele Falassi,...
100views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
JOLIE: a Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine
Service oriented computing is an emerging paradigm for programming distributed applications based on services. Services are simple software elements that supply their functionalit...
Fabrizio Montesi, Claudio Guidi, Roberto Lucchi, G...
96views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
Semantics of Biological Regulatory Networks
The aim of the paper is to revisit the model of Biological Regulatory Networks (BRN) which was proposed by René Thomas to model the interactions between a set of genes. We give a...
Gilles Bernot, Franck Cassez, Jean-Paul Comet, Fra...
119views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
PML: Toward a High-Level Formal Language for Biological Systems
Documentation of knowledge about biological pathways is often informal and vague, making it difficult to efficiently synthesize the work of others into a holistic understanding of...
Bor-Yuh Evan Chang, Manu Sridharan
140views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
Secured Information Flow for Asynchronous Sequential Processes
We present in this article a precise security model for data confidentiality in the framework of ASP (Asynchronous Sequential Processes). ASP is based on active objects, asynchro...
Isabelle Attali, Denis Caromel, Ludovic Henrio, Fe...
120views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
Non-Interference Control Synthesis for Security Timed Automata
In this paper, the problem of synthesizing controllers that ensures non interference for multilevel security dense timed discrete event systems modeled by an extension of Timed Au...
Guillaume Gardey, John Mullins, Olivier H. Roux