

Secured Information Flow for Asynchronous Sequential Processes

14 years 3 months ago
Secured Information Flow for Asynchronous Sequential Processes
We present in this article a precise security model for data confidentiality in the framework of ASP (Asynchronous Sequential Processes). ASP is based on active objects, asynchronous communications, and data-flow synchronizations. We extend it with security levels attached to activities (active objects) and transmitted data. We design a security model that guarantees data confidentiality within an application; this security model takes advantages of both mandatory and discretionary access models. We extend the semantics of ASP with predicate conditions that provide a formal security framework, dynamically checking for unauthorized information flows. As a final result, all authorized communication paths are secure: no disclosure of information can happen. This theoretically-founded contribution may have a strong impact on distributed object-based applications, that are more and more present and confidentiality-demanding on the Internet, it also arises a new issue in data confide...
Isabelle Attali, Denis Caromel, Ludovic Henrio, Fe
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Isabelle Attali, Denis Caromel, Ludovic Henrio, Felipe Luna Del Aguila
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