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The Green function of the Poisson equation in two dimensions is not contained in the Sobolev space H1(Ω) such that finite element error estimates for the discretization of a prob...
Thomas Apel, Olaf Benedix, Dieter Sirch, Boris Vex...
This paper deals with error estimates for space-time discretizations in the context of nary variational inequalities of rate-independent type. After introducing a general abstract ...
Alexander Mielke, Laetitia Paoli, Adrien Petrov, U...
Abstract. We prove pointwise a posteriori error estimates for semi- and fullydiscrete finite element methods for approximating the solution u to a parabolic model problem. Our esti...
This paper contains error estimates for covolume discretizations of Maxwell’s equations in three space dimensions. Several estimates are proved. First, an estimate for a semi-dis...
We study model selection strategies based on penalized empirical loss minimization. We point out a tight relationship between error estimation and data-based complexity penalizatio...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose and study a new on-line algorithm for learning a SVM based on Radial Basis Function Kernel: Local Incremental Learning of SVM or LISVM. Our meth...
All augmented reality (AR) systems must deal with registration errors. While most AR systems attempt to minimize registration errors through careful calibration, registration erro...
Blair MacIntyre, Enylton Machado Coelho, Simon Jul...
A successive refinement of a finite element grid provides a sequence of nested grids and hierarchy of nested finite element spaces as well as a natural hierarchical decompositio...