We consider the following vertex coloring problem. We are given an undirected graph G = (V, E), where each vertex v is associated with a penalty rejection cost rv. We need to choos...
We consider FIFO buffer management for switches providing differentiated services. In each time step, an arbitrary number of packets arrive, and only one packet can be sent. The bu...
We consider an optimization problem arising in the design of controllers for OLED displays. Our objective is to minimize amplitude of the electrical current through the diodes whic...
Friedrich Eisenbrand, Andreas Karrenbauer, Martin ...
Our main result is an optimal online algorithm for preemptive scheduling on uniformly related machines with the objective to minimize makespan. The algorithm is deterministic, yet...
A popular approach in combinatorial optimization is to model problems as integer linear programs. Ideally, the relaxed linear program would have only integer solutions, which happ...
Much recent work in the theoretical computer science, linear algebra, and machine learning has considered matrix decompositions of the following form: given an m
Petros Drineas, Michael W. Mahoney, S. Muthukrishn...
Consider a rooted tree T of arbitrary maximum degree d representing a collection of n web pages connected via a set of links, all reachable from a source home page represented by ...
Abstract. We give a novel general approach for solving NP-hard optimization problems that combines dynamic programming and fast matrix multiplication. The technique is based on red...