Service-oriented Architectures become more and more important in connecting devices with each other. The main advantages of Service-oriented architectures er abstraction level and...
– The philosophy of Kanban is that parts and materials should be supplied at the very moment they are needed in the factory manufacturing process. e-based inter-enterprise supply...
TT Ethernet is a communication architecture which allows the integration of the standard Ethernet traffic and real-time Ethernet traffic in the same network without invalidating...
We present a fast line segment tracker which does not require any knowledge about the motion of the camera nor the structure of the observed scene. It runs on 320 x 240 pixel imag...
Peer Neubert, Peter Protzel, Teresa Vidal-Calleja,...
This paper presents a localization system for mobile robots that are able to navigate autonomously in industrial environments like factory and exhibition halls. Previous approache...
Most of the existing sensor network deployments are convergecast data collection applications that transmit data from multiple sources to a sink. In this paper, we present CoReDac...
Industrial networks used to control production machinery require high availability to keep possible productivity losses to a minimum. The challenges to overcome are how we are to ...