The use of elliptic curves in cryptography relies on the ability to count the number of points on a given curve. Before 1999, the SEA algorithm was the only efficient method known ...
NTRU is a fast public key cryptosystem presented in 1996 by Hoffstein, Pipher and Silverman of Brown University. It operates in the ring of polynomials Z[X]/(XN − 1), where the ...
Abstract. We consider the question of adaptive security for two related cryptographic primitives: all-or-nothing transforms and exposureresilient functions. Both are concerned with...
We propose a threshold RSA scheme which is as efficient as the fastest previous threshold RSA scheme (by Shoup), but where two assumptions needed in Shoup’s and in previous schem...
At EuroCrypt’99, Paillier proposed a new encryption scheme based on higher residuosity classes. The new scheme was proven to be one-way under the assumption that computing N-resi...
Dario Catalano, Rosario Gennaro, Nick Howgrave-Gra...
In this paper we show how to convert a statistically binding but computationally concealing quantum bit commitment scheme into a computationally binding but statistically concealin...
Abstract. We present a formalism for the analysis of key-exchange protocols that combines previous definitional approaches and results in a definition of security that enjoys som...
Abstract. We provide identi£cation protocols that are secure even when the adversary can reset the internal state and/or randomization source of the user identifying itself, and w...
Mihir Bellare, Marc Fischlin, Shafi Goldwasser, Si...
In this paper we consider the security of block ciphers which contain alternate layers of invertible S-boxes and affine mappings (there are many popular cryptosystems which use thi...