The new generation of television viewers is currently being confronted and becoming acquainted with a series of technological developments in the realm of consumer electronics and...
In traditional web application development, very few libraries exist to make portal development easy. In general, many homegrown and vertical solutions exist and very little code ...
The goal of our research is to develop industry-proof software architecture and design metrics. We identify a number of problems that arise in computing software architecture and ...
Johan Muskens, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Christian La...
There is a need for mechanisms for maintaining and restoring software integrity on deployed systems. Dynamic replacement, removal and addition of components in deployed systems is...
We compare existing component technologies for embedded systems with respect to industrial requirements. The requirements are collected from the vehicular industry, but our findin...
A virtual machine is a software replica of an underlying real machine. Multiple virtual machines can operate on the same host machine concurrently, without interfere each other. S...
The paper summarizes three years of experience of introducing agile practices in academic environments. The perceptions of students from four different academic programs (Diploma,...
This paper proposes a WSDL extension for describing IPsec policies for protecting Web Services communications. By using the proposed extension, a Web Service (server) informs to i...