
105views more  SAJ 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Hierarchical level of detail optimization for constant frame rate rendering of radiosity scenes
The predictive hierarchical level of detail optimization algorithm of Mason and Blake is experimentally evaluated in the form of a practical application to hierarchical radiosity....
Shaun Nirenstein, Edwin H. Blake, Simon Winberg, A...
66views more  IJCIS 1998»
14 years 2 months ago
Market-Based Workflow Management
This paper presents market-based workflow management, a novel approach to workflow specification and execution which regards activities contained in a workflow as goods traded...
Andreas Geppert, Markus Kradolfer, Dimitris Tombro...
137views more  JAR 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
A Benchmark Method for the Propositional Modal Logics K, KT, S4
A lot of methods have been proposed -- and sometimes implemented -- for proof search in the propositional modal logics K, KT, and S4. It is difficult to compare the usefulness of ...
Peter Balsiger, Alain Heuerding, Stefan Schwendima...
137views more  IPM 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Analyzing imbalance among homogeneous index servers in a web search system
The performance of parallel query processing in a cluster of index servers is crucial for modern web search systems. In such a scenario, the response time basically depends on the...
Claudine Santos Badue, Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, Ber...
107views more  IANDC 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Task automata: Schedulability, decidability and undecidability
We present a model, task automata, for real time systems with non-uniformly recurring computation tasks. It is an extended version of timed automata with asynchronous processes th...
Elena Fersman, Pavel Krcál, Paul Pettersson...
14 years 4 months ago
Tractable Classes of Metric Temporal Problems with Domain Rules
In this paper, we will deal with some important kinds of metric temporal reasoning problems that arise in many real-life situations. In particular, events X0, X1 . . . XN are mode...
T. K. Satish Kumar
14 years 6 months ago
Experience in the Automatic Parallelization of Four Perfect-Benchmark Programs
This paper discusses the techniques used to hand-parallelize, for the Alliant FX/80, four Fortran programs from the Perfect-Benchmark suite. The paper also includes the execution ...
Rudolf Eigenmann, Jay Hoeflinger, Zhiyuan Li, Davi...
162views Optimization» more  GECCO 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
Improving evolutionary real-time testing
Embedded systems are often used in a safety-critical context, e.g. in airborne or vehicle systems. Typically, timing constraints must be satisfied so that real-time embedded syste...
Marouane Tlili, Stefan Wappler, Harmen Sthamer
146views Hardware» more  DDECS 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
Automatic Identification of Timing Anomalies for Cycle-Accurate Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Abstract-- Hard real-time systems need methods to determine upper bounds for their execution times, usually called worst-case execution times. Timing anomalies are counterintuitive...
Jochen Eisinger, Ilia Polian, Bernd Becker, Alexan...
135views Hardware» more  DATE 2004»
14 years 6 months ago
Quasi-Static Scheduling for Real-Time Systems with Hard and Soft Tasks
This report addresses the problem of scheduling for real-time systems that include both hard and soft tasks. In order to capture the relative importance of soft tasks and how the ...
Luis Alejandro Cortés, Petru Eles, Zebo Pen...