Abstract. Current appearance-based face recognition system encounters the difficulty to recognize faces with appearance variations, while only a small number of training images are...
Xiaoguang Lu, Rein-Lien Hsu, Anil K. Jain, Behrooz...
Abstract. The performance of face recognition systems that use twodimensional images is dependent on consistent conditions such as lighting, pose, and facial appearance. We are dev...
The open set recognition task, most challenging among the biometric tasks, operates under the assumption that not all the probes have mates in the gallery. It requires the availabi...
In this paper, we propose and investigate a new user scenario for face annotation, in which users are allowed to multi-select a group of photographs and assign names to these phot...
Lei Zhang, Yuxiao Hu, Mingjing Li, Wei-Ying Ma, Ho...
Abstract. Through task decomposition and module combination, minmax modular support vector machines (M3 -SVMs) can be successfully used for difficult pattern classification task. ...
With the recent emphasis on homeland security, there is an increased interest in accurate and non-invasive techniques for face recognition. Most of the current techniques perform a...
Satprem Pamudurthy, E. Guan, Klaus Mueller, Miriam...
We present a Modular Bilinear Disciminant Analysis (MBDA) approach for face recognition. A set of classifiers are trained independently on specific face regions, and different c...
Face recognition is a challenging visual classification task, especially when the lighting conditions can not be controlled. In this paper, we present an automatic face recognitio...
Face recognition is one of the most important image processing research topics which is widely used in personal identification, verification and security applications. In this pape...
Face recognition is a key biometric technology with a wide range of potential applications both in government and private sectors. Despite considerable progress in face recognition...
Konstantinos Veropoulos, George Bebis, Michael A. ...