Dynamic modeling of facial appearances and sight directions are demanded for HCI and multimedia applications. Traditional approaches for face tracking and eye tracking from 2D vid...
We have developed a novel software program called `Predict Your Child' that, given photographs of potential parent faces, generates plausible looking children. The parent phot...
Charlie D. Frowd, Vicki Bruce, Helen Y. Chang, Yvo...
Automatic extraction of facial feature deformations (either due to identity change or expression) is a challenging task and could be the base of a facial expression interpretation...
Abstract. This paper proposes a novel face mosaicing approach to modeling human facial appearance and geometry in a unified framework. The human head geometry is approximated with...
This paper introduces a framework that employs the Fisher linear discriminant model (FLDM) and classifier (FLDC) on integrated facial appearance and facial expression features. T...
Pohsiang Tsai, Tich Phuoc Tran, Tom Hintz, Tony Ja...