

Toward an Efficient and Accurate AAM Fitting on Appearance Varying Faces

14 years 6 months ago
Toward an Efficient and Accurate AAM Fitting on Appearance Varying Faces
Automatic extraction of facial feature deformations (either due to identity change or expression) is a challenging task and could be the base of a facial expression interpretation system. We use Active Appearance Models and the simultaneous inverse compositional algorithm to extract facial deformations as a starting point and propose a modified version addressing the problem of facial appearance variation in an efficient manner. To consider important variation of facial appearance is a first step toward a realistic facial feature deformation extraction system able to adapt to a new face or to track a face with changing video conditions. Moreover, in order to test fittings, we design an experiment protocol that takes human inaccuracies into account when building a ground truth.
Hugo Mercier, Julien Peyras, Patrice Dalle
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where FGR
Authors Hugo Mercier, Julien Peyras, Patrice Dalle
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