Addressing the image correspondence problem by feature matching is a central part of computer vision and 3D inference from images. Consequently, there is a substantial amount of w...
The artificial neural networks that are used to recognize shapes typically use one or more layers of learned feature detectors that produce scalar outputs. By contrast, the comput...
The product of experts learning procedure [1] can discover a set of stochastic binary features that constitute a nonlinear generative model of handwritten images of digits. The qua...
We describe a neurally-inspired, unsupervised learning algorithm that builds a non-linear generative model for pairs of face images from the same individual. Individuals are then ...
A successful detection and classification system must have two properties: it should be general enough to compensate for intra-class variability and it should be specific enough to...
Differential operators are required to compute several characteristics for continuous surfaces, as e.g. tangents, curvature, flatness, shape descriptors. We propose to replace diff...
We present a "parts and structure" model for object category recognition that can be learnt efficiently and in a weakly-supervised manner: the model is learnt from examp...
Abstract Where feature points are used in real-time frame-rate applications, a high-speed feature detector is necessary. Feature detectors such as SIFT (DoG), Harris and SUSAN are ...
We present a "parts and structure" model for object category recognition that can be learnt efficiently and in a semisupervised manner: the model is learnt from example ...