In this paper, we present a methodology for off-line character recognition that mainly focuses on handling the difficult cases of historical fonts and styles. The proposed methodo...
Georgios Vamvakas, Basilios Gatos, Stavros J. Pera...
We consider feature extraction (dimensionality reduction) for compositional data, where the data vectors are constrained to be positive and constant-sum. In real-world problems, t...
We present a procedure that extracts detailed morphological measurements from human melanocyte cells. The cells and imaging condition have the following characteristics: (i) no im...
Ralf Kemkemer, Giovanni G. Estrada, D. Kaufmann, D...
We present a method for learning discriminative linear feature extraction using independent tasks. More concretely, given a target classification task, we consider a complementary...
In computer vision, the bag-of-visual words image representation has been shown to yield good results. Recent work has shown that modeling the spatial relationship between visual ...
The Gaussian kernel has played a central role in multi-scale methods for feature extraction and matching. In this paper, a method for shaping the filter using the local image stru...
One of the main limitations of image search based on
bag-of-features is the memory usage per image. Only a few
million images can be handled on a single machine in rea-
sonable ...
Burstiness, a phenomenon initially observed in text re-
trieval, is the property that a given visual element appears
more times in an image than a statistically independent
In this paper, we present a multi-label sparse coding
framework for feature extraction and classification within
the context of automatic image annotation. First, each image
is ...
Changhu Wang (University of Science and Technology...