The current implementation of situation interpretation metrics (SIMs) in context-based reasoning (CxBR) simulations makes it difficult to effectively and efficiently characterize ...
Effective personalization is greatly demanded in highly heterogeneous and diverse e-commerce domain. In our approach we rely on the idea that an effective personalization techniqu...
In this paper we define the notion of causal chains. Causal chains are a particular kind of sequential patterns that reflect causality relations according to background knowledge....
Finding definitions in huge text collections is a challenging problem, not only because of the many ways in which definitions can be conveyed in natural language texts but also be...
The integration of methods of Constraint Programming and Multi-Agent-Systems is discussed in this paper. We describe different agent topologies for Constraint Satisfaction Problem...
This article describes an indirectly encoded evolutionary learning algorithm to train morphological neural networks. The indirect encoding method is an algorithm in which the trai...
We present a single-layer recurrent neural network that implements novelty detection for spatiotemporal patterns. The architecture is based on the structure of region CA3 in the h...
Novelty detection in time series is an important problem with application in different domains such as machine failure detection, fraud detection and auditing. An approach to this...
Adriano L. I. Oliveira, Fernando Buarque de Lima N...
Initial successes in the area of recommender systems have led to considerable early optimism. However as a research community, we are still in the early days of our understanding ...