We describe an approach to presenting information in spoken dialogues that for the first time brings together multi-attribute decision models, strategic content planning, state-of...
Johanna D. Moore, Mary Ellen Foster, Oliver Lemon,...
All courses in Artificial Intelligence are not equal. The topics covered by a course entitled Artificial Intelligence vary widely. The Computing Curricula 2001: Computer Science o...
One important feature of the gene expression data is that the number of genes M far exceeds the number of samples N. Standard statistical methods do not work well when N < M. D...
An algorithm is proposed to prune the prototype vectors (prototype selection) used in a nearest neighbor classifier so that a compact classifier can be obtained with similar or ev...
A new objective function for neural net classifier design is presented, which has more free parameters than the classical objective function. An iterative minimization technique f...
Jiang Li, Michael T. Manry, Li-min Liu, Changhua Y...
This paper presents a hybrid algorithm that combines local search and constraint programming techniques to solve a network routing problem. The problem considered is that of routi...
What makes a good consistency ? Depending on the constraint, it may be a good pruning power or a low computational cost. By "weakening" arc-consistency, we propose to de...
Andrei Legtchenko, Arnaud Lallouet, AbdelAli Ed-Db...
We present a preventive model of tutoring for novice programming derived from a human corpus and describe our intelligent tutoring system PROPL embodying that model. The system co...
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Highway Planning requires states to furnish vehicle classification data as part of the Highway Performance Monitoring Systems (...
Valerian Kwigizile, Majura F. Selekwa, Renatus N. ...
A methodology for surveillance of multiple targets through a distributed mobile sensor network is proposed in this paper. We examine coordination among sensors that monitor a rect...
K. Madhava Krishna, Henry Hexmoor, Subbarao Pasupu...