The use of ontologies based on knowledge representation architectures to support search and other decision-making problems in production environments has become a critical compone...
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, while effective at producing student learning [2,7], are notoriously costly to construct [1,9], and require PhD level experience in cognitive science...
Neil T. Heffernan, Terrence E. Turner, Abraao L. N...
In this paper, we present a new rule induction algorithm for machine learning in medical diagnosis. Medical datasets, as many other real-world datasets, exhibit an imbalanced clas...
The SEMEX tool for question answering is presented. Its architecture and features for extracting from input text a network of concept nodes that index syntax-based logical forms, ...
We introduce the particular functionality of the Complaint Engine suite, the integrated complaint management component for mediating consumer disputes. We formulate the problem of...
RUPART1 is a hybrid robot control system for navigating a real-world, academic building. Hybrid robot control systems provide robust low-level navigation together with strategic p...
In this paper, we present a learning framework for the semantic annotation of text documents that can be used as textual cases in case-based reasoning applications. The annotation...
The continuous development of the Internet has resulted in an exponential increase in the amount of available information. A popular way to access this information is by submittin...
In this paper, we attempt to automatically annotate the Penn Chinese Treebank with semantic dependency structure. Initially a small portion of the Penn Chinese Treebank was manual...
Jiajun Yan, David B. Bracewell, Fuji Ren, Shingo K...
In today's IT-centric, regulated and competitive environment, businesses rely more heavily on IT technologies. Organizations are often challenged by customers, business partn...
Alfred Ka Yiu Wong, Nandan Paramesh, Pradeep Kumar...